LP Meccanica is the division of LP UNIONS dedicated to manufacturing custom-made components.  Since 1972 we have always looked for the best solution to produce what our customers need. From the first machines we designed and built, to collaborations with the world’s leading CNC manufacturers. Our vocation has always been mechanics, the study of processes and the continuous search for new solutions.

Know The Industry

50 Years of experience in high precision machining

LP meccanica custom manufacturing services

continuous improvement

We believe that each phase can be improved and that non-stop renewal is the best way to respond to changes in the market and society.

Small series and Prototyping

While we are competitive on medium and large batches, over the years we’ve become experts in small series and prototyping. Our refined processes and technical expertise allow us to deliver high-quality, precision parts with fast lead times and exceptional service.

all round service

We have created a vast network of suppliers and developed dedicated production processes that allow us to respond to any request quickly and offering all the technical, organizational and logistical support you may need.